Fall Into Fitness in Four Fun Fragments – Part One: FAQ’s

Has the summer passed you by only to leave you still looking for that ‘bikini bod’ you were determined to get?
Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither are rock-hard abs nor the perfect perky booty! Getting into the best shape of your life is a journey and even though you may not have hit your goal in time for summer, it doesn’t mean you should give up.
In this four-part mini-series, I will be answering questions, debunking myths, offering advice, sharing best practices and hopefully providing just a little bit of encouragement to help you on your journey.

Here in, Part One-FAQ’s, I will answer five frequently asked questions that cross my inbox on a regular basis. After reading, please hit the ‘like’ button, then feel free to add some questions or topics you’d love to know more about below in the comments section!

Image: Hammiham News
  1. I only eat one meal a day. I should be losing weight faster. What gives?

Contrary to popular belief, eating less frequently does no ensure weight loss. If the body is not adequately fueled (through regularly occurring, healthy eating) the body and its internal functions will begin to slow down. Most importantly, metabolism (the mechanism that burns fat and calories) will slow down and begin hoarding fat and calories as a last ditch effort to sustain life. Eating three to six smaller meals and snacks throughout the day will keep energy levels up and will also encourage metabolism to go to work, ultimately leading to better overall health and weight loss advantages. 

  1. I feel so full when I drink water, how could it possibly be helping me lose weight? All it does is make me feel bloated!

 Water is an important part of any weight loss regimen. Although it seems counterintuitive, the more water you drink, the less water you will retain. Again, it’s all about self-preservation. The body needs water to sustain itself. If you are not consuming enough water, the body will naturally hold onto it in an effort to avoid dehydration. When the body receives the amount of water it needs (roughly half your body weight in fluid ounces) it will release the excess and in addition, the body will flush toxins, impurities and fat. Water is a weight loss seeker’s BFF. Click here to ask about my clients’ and my FAVORITE water bottle! 

Image: Gaia Health Blog
  1. I work-out five times a week but still don’t see the results I want. What am I doing wrong? 

Well, that depends. First and foremost, getting the right nutrition is critical. If you’re exercising but not watching your food intake, that can be one cause for a stagnation in weight loss. Nutrition and fitness work hand in hand to ensure proper health. Secondly, the type of exercise (cardio vs. weight lifting) duration, intensity, etc., could also impact results. Most people need a combination of cardiovascular and strength training exercises, done at a moderate to intense pace, three times or more per week, partnered with good nutrition to see weight loss.

  1. Do I have to have a health coach or personal trainer to get results?

 The simple answer is, no (and yes, I say this being both a health coach and trainer). Nowadays there are tons of reputable resources out there that you can find and use to help you. In fact, a great friend of mine began her health journey at home, on her own, using TaeBo videos and a jump rope (check out her amazing journey here). Will a health coach or personal trainer however be able to help you deliver results quicker? Probably. When you’re working with a professional, they will use their years of experience, coupled with real-world best practices to create a strategic, personalized routine (be it nutrition, fitness or both) that will help you see results faster. In addition, a coach can serve as a means of support, accountability, safety and encouragement. Losing weight is a journey and we can all benefit from a little help along the way. Click Here to schedule a FREE wellness profile with me.

  1. Since becoming a mom, I notice it is harder for me to lose weight and maintain it. Between kids, household obligations, work and life, I find I have little time for myself. How do you work-out around your kids?

 Working out with little ones is HARD. There’s no denying it. Factor in school, extracurriculars, work, etc., and it becomes a precious juggling act. With the advent of YouTube and streaming services, many moms are choosing to do their fitness at home, before the kiddos awaken or after they fall to sleep at night. Many fitness centers also offer childcare services for a nominal fee. Another idea, if you don’t embarrass easily, is to take your fitness stop-drop-roll style. While you’re watching Jr.’s football game, run the bleachers. While you’re watching your littles play on the swings, stand to the side and do squats or lunges. Every little bit helps and maybe you’ll even meet a new mom friend or two who want to join you! Turn obstacles into opportunities and you might find you have more time than you think!

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Image: Active Images

I hope this was helpful and I would love to hear what questions or topics YOU want answered or discussed. Plug your fitness or nutrition question(s) and topics in the comments below and then check back here next week to see if yours has been selected for this series (to receive automatic notification, don’t forget to subscribe).

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