Fall into Fitness in Four Fun Fragments: Part Three – Fall Fitness Fun!

Fall Into Fitness in Four Fun Fragments: Part Three – Fall Fitness Fun!

Has the summer passed you by only to leave you still looking for that ‘bikini bod’ you were determined to get?

Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither are rock-hard abs nor the perfect perky booty! Getting into the best shape of your life is a journey and even though you may not have hit your goal in time for summer, it doesn’t mean you should give up.

In this four-part mini-series, I will be answering questions, debunking myths, offering advice, sharing best practices and hopefully providing just a little bit of encouragement to help you on your journey.

Here in, Part Three – Fall Fitness Fun, I provide ten tips for staying active, even when the weather begins to cool down and the days start to get shorter. After reading, please hit the ‘like’ button, then feel free to ask some questions or suggest topics you’d love to know more about below in the comments section!

Take to the great outdoors

Fall is a beautiful time of year to get out into nature. Visit a pumpkin patch or apple orchard with your kids (or borrow some) and walk the various paths. Take to an Arboretum or nature trail and see the fall leaves changing. If you’re by the ocean, take a leisurely walk or jog along the boardwalk and observe the change in the tide.5117779_orig

Be safe

With the change in weather, be aware that the days also become shorter. If you’re still working to take advantage of outdoor running, walking or biking, be sure to wear light-reflective clothing or use lights on your bike or belt clip to ensure passing motorists can see you. Choose well-lit areas such as trails or tracks where available. Also, when possible, use the buddy system for both accountability and to increase safety.

Go back to school

Just like your kiddos head off to school to learn new things, you can too! Many fitness centers offer free trial memberships, allowing you to get a taste of what they have to offer. Check out a local yoga, dance, pilates, crossfit or even boxing center to see what specials they are running. You just may find your new favorite workout!

Stay hydrated

Just because you may not feel thirsty, it doesn’t mean your body does not need water. Maintain drinking at least half your body weight in water ounces every day, and up that amount by 16-20oz per one hour of strenuous physical activity.

Weigh yourself weekly

Cooler weather brings warmer, bulkier clothing which can often easily disguise weight gain. Keep your weight in check by stepping on your scale at least once per week (preferably using the same scale, first thing in the morning, after using the restroom, before eating, without clothes) or at a regular interval that suits you.feet-on-scale

Work out at home

As the season changes, the weather becomes unpredictable. Purchasing exercise DVDs or subscribing to a streaming service might be one way to maintain your workout schedule without worrying about the weather outside being frightful. Typically, you can use your own body weight for many activities but owning a few key pieces of equipment such as resistance bands, hand weights and an exercise mat may come in handy.

Choose local seasonal produce

Each season boasts its favorite produce. For fall, try apples, squash, pears, figs and sweet potatoes. Not only does purchasing your produce ‘in-season’ increase the likelihood that it will taste amazing but you will also save money!

Avoid that holiday handy

Halloween Candy, Back-to-School Parties, Christmas Candy, all can take a toll on your health results. Learn when enough is enough and how to say no. Choose healthy alternatives such as fresh fruit or even keep a piece of chewing gum handy for when hunger strikes.autumn-pumpkin-spice-latte-with-milk-and-cream-1

Swap it for a tea

Everyone’s favorite fall coffeehouse beverages can often pack a high caloric punch. With added sweeteners, whipped cream, sugary toppings and more, these beverages often are a waste of calories and can significantly impact blood sugar levels. Instead, opt for basic teas in delicious flavors like chai, apple spice, chamomile or orange pekoe and add your own calorie-free sweeteners and skim milk.

Keep your eyes on the prize

Healthy, active living is a life-long journey. Now that the cooler weather has set in, don’t lose sight of your goals. Continue to stay active, despite the change in weather and shorter days. Remember that being healthy can open the door to some amazing opportunities and one way to maintain your health is by being active and eating well all year round!

Fall is one of my favorite times of the year and it’s also a great time to fall back into fitness! If any of these tips resonated with you, go on ahead and try them out for a spin. Comment below and let me know how it goes!

Also, as a way to encourage Fall Fitness, I am currently hosting a FREE online accountability group! My next group begins on October 24th, 2016. Click here to join in on the fun!

Just joining us? See what you’ve missed. Check out Part One and Part Two of this four part series!

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Living F.I.T.: A 40-Day Guide to Living Faithfully, Intentionally and Tenaciously is on sale now! Buy your copy HERE and join my FREE Online Accountability Group by clicking HERE!