Prince, Purpose and Powerful Declarations

Today, TMZ and the rest of the interwebs announced the heartbreaking news that music icon, Prince made his transition at his home in Minneapolis, MN. He was fifty-seven. Fifty-seven! I am not sure if it is a season, or a sign of my own aging, if it is God tryna tell me sumthin’, or a change in the way we eat and live as a society in general, but for whatever reason 2016 has been full of news of the untimely deaths of many personal acquaintances, friends and family members. It seems as if everyone I know, knows someone who has passed in recent months or they are currently praying for a turnaround for someone close to them. Perhaps my own beloved mother’s unexpected and premature passing in February has brought about a new awareness and sensitivity to death. Whatever the case may be, I realize more and more every day that life here on earth really is unpredictable, precious and fleeting.

In all his glory.

In light of all of this, I realize that it is time for me to, “grab life by the horns,” as they say and begin making the most out of every day. Les Brown encourages his listeners to live every day as if we only had a short time left. And why not? Sure, maybe selling it all and moving to a remote island is not practical, but I do understand where he is going with that concept. Following in that vein, I wish to make the following declarations known to the world (or at least to the few wonderful folks who read this) as I commit to taking new ownership over my prayerfully considered choices.

Possibly some of the following statements will resonate with you. Some of them may not. Conceivably a few may seem cliché and for that I apologize in advance. I make these statements as a means of accountability to myself, and to you dear reader, and it is my sincere wish that something found in these words rings true for you and brings you some sense of comfort, joy or freedom.

I declare that I will no longer live a life in fear of the unknown. The fear of failure has brought about more genuine failure than my trying ever has. I don’t like messy. I don’t like scary. I don’t like outcomes I cannot control. I am tired of living a life that is boxed in and predictable. I aim to be intentional in letting go and letting God and I am ready to be bold and brave despite not having all the answers at the ready.

Dare to live beyond perceived boundaries!

I declare that I will no longer use others’ success as a measure of my own shortcomings. Comparison is a sneaky burglar. It will rob you blind if you let it. I see the bright and shiny all around me in others’ greatness. I must tune out the distractions of others’ glitz and begin to scrub, spit-shine and love my own, else I will never experience genuine happiness.

I declare that I will pursue my passions with intention, tenacity and faithfulness. I am striving to live the life of a Kingdom Woman and with the strength and love of God and family, anything I dream I can and will achieve. I owe it to myself and to my kiddos to be a vision builder and not just a dreamer. I can no longer live a life of what-if’s and missed opportunity.

I declare that I am here for a reason and I will live my life purposefully. My words and my actions are important. I matter. I am here for a reason. What I do and what I say has impact on those around me. I get to decide the type of impression I will create. I choose to make a positive and encouraging impact on those I encounter through purpose-driven statements and actions.

I declare that it is okay for me to experience the feelings of joy, peace and freedom. Despite obstacles that I may face or sadness that I will experience, life is designed to be enjoyed. I will continue to count my blessings and be grateful for each and every single one. I will hold these amazing gifts close to my heart and I will allow and enable happiness to flow through me every day.

Faithfully, Intentionally, Tenaciously!

If you are still with me and haven’t moved along out of boredom or busyness, thank you for reading. Thank you also for now being my accountability partner. Simply by putting my words down for you to read and by you reading them, I now have to step up to the plate. I can no longer make excuses because not only will I be letting myself down but you as well, my friend. I pray that since you are still here, something has indeed resonated with you. Maybe you have some declarations of your own you wish to make? I would love to hear them! Please don’t hesitate to share in the comments as the simple act of catharsis can truly move mountains within your mindset.

I know that deep down that we each have quite a bit of beautiful, amazing power within that is anxiously waiting to emerge. I refuse to let that remarkable gift simmer below the surface any longer. Time is of the essence! This life is fragile, beautiful, important and fleeting and it is my sincerest wish that you and I can both live the lives we dream possible during our brief time here on earth.

I declare to life faithfully, intentionally and tenaciously and I thank you for joining me on the journey!