Five Ways to Jumpstart Summer Weight Loss

Spring and summer in the Midwest is a great time to embark on a weight loss journey! With improved outdoor temperatures, more sunlight hours and a greater selection of fresh fruits and vegetables, many people take advantage of the opportunity to get more active and eat healthier during the spring and summer months.

Are your ready to start your own healthy active lifestyle journey? If so, here are a few tips to get you started. These are tips I share with my health coaching clients that have been employed time and time again and garnered successful results!

Loving his shake!
  1. Eat Breakfast – Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It breaks the fast that your body has been in overnight. It not only gives you energy to begin a great day, but it also elevates your metabolism so you can effectively burn fat.

I recommend having a high protein, moderate carbohydrate, low-fat breakfast. My favorite breakfast is an Herbalife Shake because it is chuck-full of nutrients, delicious and super convenient!

  1. Time Each Meal – Eating every 3-4 hours is an important step towards boosting the metabolism, maintaining healthy blood sugar levels and keeping the body satisfied. Eating three well-balanced meals and two small healthy snacks is an ideal way to keep your body well nourished.

I recommend having a lean protein at every meal and snack (such as low-fat dairy, chicken breast, lean fish or eggs). Add a complex carbohydrate such as brown rice and a healthy green vegetable or low-glycemic fruit like fresh blueberries for vitamins and micronutrients.

  1. Drink More Water – Drinking water helps flush fat, lubricates organs, helps clear skin and assists with healthy digestion. Drinking half your body weight in water ounces (minimum) each day is essential to optimum wellness.

I recommend purchasing a water bottle that can be refilled throughout the day and setting time/water consumption goals to ensure you get in your required water each day. I drink one gallon (128oz) water each day.Fit

4. Get Active – Getting out and active is the icing on the cake to any weight loss regimen. Activities such as walking, biking, weightlifting, swimming and yoga all provide numerous physical benefits. Whether in a group or solo, incorporating exercise is a helpful way to achieve weight loss results.

I recommend taking small steps every day towards getting more physically active. Look for a group fitness class, an accountability partner or even enlist the services of a personal trainer or health coach (like myself) to help guide you, encourage you and continue to push you to reach your goals.

  1. Mind(set) Over Matter – Having the right mindset is imperative to weight loss success. People who are guided by a strong ‘why’ or reason for wanting to live a healthier life, will likely be more successful in reaching their goals. Knowing you can achieve a goal and committing to sticking to it, no matter what, will go a long way towards being successful.

I recommend writing down the reason(s) you wish to live a healthier, more active life. Surround yourself with positive images and reinforcement (photos, a vision board, a favorite quote on your phone or computer screensaver). Remember, don’t stop, just keep going!

Living a healthy active lifestyle can have numerous long-term benefits and it doesn’t require much to begin. With a little discipline, a dash of tenacity and a dose of patience, you will begin seeing amazing results! What are you waiting for? Begin living your best life ever, today!

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*Before beginning any fitness or nutrition program please consult your doctor*