A Fierce Urgency of Now

What happens when we just…go?

When we let go of convention and embrace the unique opportunities presented to us while we can?

What becomes of our lives and to the lives of those we love?

I know you.

You’re a mother. A creator. You’re a giver, a lover, a nurturer, a comforter. You are a leader, an influencer, and an explorer.img_7693

And here you sit, on the verge of a great decision: whether or not to live your life as a world traveler.

More than that, you wonder, how to bring your kiddos along with you for the ride?

Whatever the outcome of your deliberation, you will single-handedly become the captain and cartographer of a life (or lives) yet to be lived. The writer of stories yet to be written.

Perhaps you’re asking yourself if living abroad is the right move for you, for your family.

You’ve read the articles. The ones that tell you, go, go now! Be free, explore and embrace a new way. But you have also read the ones that caution you about the myriad dangers that exist beyond the borders of your country, your state, your hometown.

You’re torn. The wanderlust brews deep within, stirring up a sense of longing that can only be satisfied by going, by doing. But society, family, convention tells you to suppress it. To live by the status quo. To seek that white picket fence in the immaculate suburb with the prominent school district.

I’ve been there. I feel you. We had the white picket fence and the great school district. I had the lucrative 9-5, I’m-a-working-mama-and-I’m-killing-the-game, lifestyle. And it was great! It was more than enough.

Until it wasn’t.

And let me tell you, when enough was no longer enough, it became way too much to bear.

So, we lept.

Me, my husband, my kids; we lept. And we are not looking back.

We touched down on October 15th, 2016 at General Rafael Buelna Airport in Mazatlan, MX!

They say take the jump and grow your wings on the way down…well, my dear wander-mom, when the time comes to build those wings, know that indeed they will surely bloom!

So, if you’ve made it this far, I’m sure you’re just aching to know, “How in the *$&^ did we do it?”

Where do I start?

  1. We chose a place that was familiar. For us, that was a place we had visited a few times before, where we had some connections, and where we had a basic grasp of the language.
  2. We ran reconnaissance by planning a seventeen-day visit with our kiddos in tow and attempted as much as possible to, ‘live the life’. In addition, we looked at home rental options. We also joined Facebook groups based in our destination city and did additional planning and research via expat groups and forums.
  3. Once we made the decision to move abroad, we called a Realtor to list our family home and prepared for viewings. We also sold both of our cars and sold or donated a majority of our belongings.
  4. After contacting our banks, clients, and all other interested parties and informed them of our plans, we sought advice from our financial planner and ensured that we had a place to have our mail forwarded and reviewed as needed. We moved as many of our accounts and activities to paperless as possible, to help expedite the process as well.
  5. We all went and saw the doctors. Well-visits for everyone, yearly vaccines for the kiddos, eye doctor for me and dental checks and cleanings for everyone.
  6. We renewed our passports. It is recommended to have more time on your passport than you think you will need, so we renewed our family’s books as necessary.

    The kiddos were invited to release baby sea turtles with their new classmates!
  7. We found an inexpensive storage unit to store our most valuable, irreplaceable items (mainly antiques and photos) and began paring our 3600 square foot home down to ten suitcases and five carry-on bags (our selected airline’s maximum allowance).
  8. We decided on a date, bought five one-way plane tickets and stood our ground against the pushback we received from well-meaning family and friends. While we were grateful for insight, we were also very decided. We were intent and as a unit forged on ahead. And let me tell you, we have no regrets.
  9. We hosted an amazing going-away/cash-n-carry party where we celebrated our impending adventure with friends and family and they had the opportunity to help us clear out our home by taking anything they liked and leaving an optional (and greatly appreciated) donation in our wander-jar.
  10. We hired two airport transit vans, crept out before dawn, boarded a plane with two sleepy preschoolers and antsy toddler, endured a couple delays, met family for a layover send-off at airport security, checked in at our destination and here we are; the sunny, beautiful shores of Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico!

Our family said, “Yes!”

Yes to life.  Yes to adventure.  Yes to breaking the rules.  Yes to new experiences.img_7347

If we can do it, anyone can. And I really mean this.

It takes planning (a lot), determination, organization, strong desire and a fierce urgency of now.

That fierce urgency of now part is key.

Decide to imagine NOW. Decide to try NOW. Decide to go NOW.

Decide to live, NOW!

You too can live life by design. Let us help you!

You can follow our family’s adventure by subscribing to our YouTube Channel: La Vida Lindsay.

We are on Instagram and Facebook too!

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