But How Will They Learn?

How Will They Learn?

Before we embarked on this journey, well-meaning friends and family asked us, “But how will they learn?” They were concerned that if we took our kiddos out of their traditional U.S. pre-school program and didn’t enroll my oldest into her local Kindergarten class, they would be forever lost. We however, were sure that they would be just okay. And they are!

In this video, see what classes are like at their private Mexican school here in Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico. Watch it below!

What will we be doing this week?

Find out next Friday at 3PM MST on our YouTube Channel. Don’t forget to like, comment, share and subscribe to our You Tube channel so you don’t miss a thing!

We have a new website!

We are officially, official, thanks to my (increasing) web-savviness. Check out our official page at  LaVidaLindsay.Com and let us know what you think!

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As always, thanks again for following our journey!