The Power of Protein

Fall Ten Times, Get Up Eleven

It is said that it doesn’t matter how many times you fall, always get back up. No matter what.

Just. Get. Up.

Like babies learning to walk, when it comes to a healthy active lifestyle, sometimes you may fall down, but as long as you get back up, in time you will reap the benefits.

I fell off the wagon. I left my job, my mom passed, we moved to another country and somehow, over the past year and a half, I have managed to gain a whopping fifteen (#^$&*) pounds. Blech!

Now, I know some of you might be like, “Whatever, that’s not a whole lot. Hush yo’ mouth.”

But for me, standing at a measly 5 feet 1 inch, those fifteen pounds look like much more and to my knees, it feels like more like thirty.

So, time for a change.

The hubby. The epitome of physical and nutritional discipline. Glad to have a good example!

Don’t get me wrong, I like eating healthy. I really do! But, when there’s fresh bakery bread at every corner store, taco dinners for less than the cost of a bottled water at the ballpark and kid’s birthday parties complete with a piñata, dessert tables and, you guessed it, more tacos, eating healthy isn’t always easy. Actually, let me rephrase: It’s freakin’ hard!

But, who said life is easy?

So, I’m forging my way ahead with a recommitment to this new (or should I say old) healthy-active lifestyle adventure. To hold me accountable, I got myself an amazing coach (cuz everybody needs a little help sometimes) and I am very carefully watching my intake (food) and output (exercise). We have two weddings to attend this summer and we live in an ocean-front paradise (hello, beach season!). I want to look, but most importantly, I want to feel my best so, I’m putting in the work.

First order of business, eating more protein.

Eggscelente Mija!

My coach recommended that I increase my protein level. So, dutifully, I am. One way I am doing that is by eating three egg whites and one full egg scrambled together every morning as a part of what I call ‘second breakfast’.

The other morning we were out of eggs, so I headed to our local Oxxo (like a 7-11) and went to grab a carton. None. The super-friendly, overly animated clerk told me to come grab a bolsita (little bag) and take some from the loose pile. I could choose however many I wanted and likely save a few pesos.

During our exchange, he asked me how to say huevos in English. I of course told him, eggs. He said aloud, “Eggs. Eggs. Eggs. Eggscelente!!! Eggscelente Mija!” cracking himself up and the two men who were being waited on as well. I giggled nervously, my go-to response when faced with an uncomfortable social interaction, and headed for the loosies.

The singles saved me a whole three pesos!

I got home and (begrudgingly) consumed my eggs and oats, pretending all the while it was instead a chocolate frosted, peanut crumble covered cake doughnut and vanilla soy latte. While my second breakfast wasn’t what I really wanted, it was what my body needed to feel satisfied and nourished.

To be honest, I’m a bit miserable because I really, really, REALLY like doughnuts (and cheetos and tacos and ice cream bars). I also realize, however, that nothing will change unless I change and so, I have to make some sacrifices. If eating eggs every morning (instead of donuts) is going to help, then I’m on board.

Someone likes eggs and oats. Go figure!

Protein is really a weight loss powerhouse. It is an ideal fuel for those looking to lose pounds or maintain a healthy body weight. In this chapter from my book, Living F.I.T.: A 40-Day Guide to Living Faithfully, Intentionally, and Tenaciously, I talk about the numerous benefits of protein when incorporated into a well-balanced healthy, active lifestyle regimen.

The Power of Protein

Protein is a powerful ally in the journey to a healthier you. It is essential for weight loss, the building of lean muscle and the proper nourishment of vital organs. Folks who are able to maintain a healthy body weight are likely to have diets higher in protein than those who are at an overweight or obese body fat percentage. Why is that?

Protein provides the following benefits to the body:

  • Helps maintain body weight by making you feel fuller longer
  • Stabilizes blood sugar levels
  • Helps increase lean muscle mass (when combined with exercise)
  • Improves your mood and healthy brain function
  • Promotes heart health and longevity

Many Americans enjoy carbohydrate-heavy meals, such as heavy portions of pasta, fattening pizza, heaping piles of French fries, and oversized slices of cake. As a result, many Americans do not get the daily recommended amount of lean protein in their diets.

When your body is lacking in protein, you may notice the following symptoms:

  • Trouble losing weight due in part to a sluggish metabolism
  • Low energy levels and fatigue
  • Poor concentration and trouble learning
  • Moodiness, muscle, bone, and joint pain
  • Blood sugar changes that can lead to diabetes
  • Slow wound healing and frequent colds

So, how do you know if you’re getting enough protein? There are many tools available on the Internet that will help you calculate your recommended protein intake based on your gender, height, weight, and fitness level. A general rule of thumb recommended by the DRI (Dietary Reference Intake) is 0.36g of Protein per pound of body weight. An easy way to increase your protein intake is to commit to eating one lean protein option at every meal and snack. Boneless, skinless chicken breast, fish, seafood, lean and extra lean ground turkey, beef and chicken, tofu, low-fat and fat free dairy (cheese, yogurt, milk, etc.), fat free milk, soy milk, beans, low-sugar protein shakes and bars and even small servings of nuts are all great ways to increase your protein intake!

Creator, thank you for this day. Please help me to transition my nutrition habits, dear Lord. I acknowledge the need for healthy lifestyle choices, and I look to you to support me in making the right decisions. In your holy name, Amen.

F.I.T. Step: Incorporate one lean protein at every meal and snack today. Feel free to use any of the above options while planning your day. Continue to consume lean protein through the remainder of this program, and make it part of your daily nutrition routine.

I Will Not Fall

I’ve told myself that this time I’m going to stick to my guns. I do not want to quit. Giving up is not an option. I want to win this game called getting healthy and I want you to successful as well!

I am looking forward to sharing more about my journey in the coming weeks, including some amazing results photos as well (pray for me y’all!).

Getting it in where it fits in. At-Home workout plan to the rescue!

Are you shredding for the wedding, working on losing weight, desiring to tone up for the summer or even looking to live a healthier, more active lifestyle? Tell me what you’re doing to improve your health below in the comments, I’d love to hear about your journey!

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