Do you ever wonder, “What am I supposed to do here?”
You’ve read all the books, listened to all the speakers, prayed all the prayers, tried all the things and yet still, you’re stuck.
Plain ‘ol stuck. Neither here nor there. Not struggling, but also not thriving.
I’ve been there before and it is not a happy place to be.
I remember a friend telling me about her good fortune in her business. She had received a major breakthrough which led her to new clients and some pretty amazing opportunities. Not that this breakthrough wasn’t more than well-deserved. She was a hard worker and a faithful servant. It did, however, feel like it just sort of, ‘happened’.
It wasn’t planned, it wasn’t expected, but it yielded so many wonderful things for her and her business.
Over the phone lines, I could hear her smiling in awe of her great luck. I remember being oh so happy for her, but I also recall the twinge of pain I felt wondering why I too didn’t receive that same kind of luck.
“When would God wink on me too?” I asked.
What was holding me back from getting my own dose of unexpected abundance?
When would clarity come and allow me to break past the barrier that seemed to have me firmly rooted in my place?
What was that barrier and why was it there?
Oh, I had questions I tell you! So. Many. Questions.
And it wasn’t until I started answering them, well, listening for to the answers to them, that I realized something.
God was watching and waiting all along.
The only thing holding me back from abundance was me.
Clarity was mine if I just listened.
The barrier holding me in place was fear and it was there because the enemy was waging a war against the bigger purpose God had called me to live in.
God spoke to me that day and told me that I had a greater purpose, I just had to Believe Bigger.
I had to cast away my fears of inadequacy, failure, and ultimately, my far bigger fear, that of ultimate success.
God told me that abundance was mine for the taking…that it was a part of his plan all along. But, like Job, I needed to keep the faith, stay the course, and do the work. When the time was right, God assured me that he would be there, waiting in the wings to pour down the blessings he had for me.
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7
God reminded me that despite the fears I was feeling, despite the war the enemy was waging on my self-confidence, my focus, and on my decision-making skills, all I had to do was to listen and to trust.
The same is true for you my friend. God has a plan for you.
You cannot see it.
You cannot touch it.
You cannot hear it nor smell it.
But it is there. He has a plan for you. And it’s a good one. One that will prosper you, give you hope and provide for you a future.
— GML —
Devote the next forty days to becoming F.I.T. – body, mind, and soul.
My devotional, Living F.I.T.: A 40-Day Guide to Living Faithfully, Intentionally, and Tenaciously, will coach you on developing healthy habits that will transform you physically, mentally and spiritually. Purchase it on Amazon on Kindle or in paperback today!