Today I need to love on my littlest son for a minute because he has taught me a big lesson. He is super independent, ridiculously confident, and mad fearless. He can do all the things, knows all the stuff, and tries all the nerves! He is the epitome of who we get to be when we walk with Christ.
You see, he hasn’t yet let the ‘Blessing Blockers’ get him. He hasn’t acquired the self-doubt or fear or limiting beliefs that somehow creep in as we grow. For all he knows, he’s the biggest, strongest, brightest kid on the planet. He is fully and unwaveringly capable of succeeding in life.
I know, it’s hard. One thing after another threatens to break you down.
Failed relationships.
Illness or Injury.
All of these things threaten to destroy the beautiful and capable human God has created you to be. But only if you let them.
You see, my son, he doesn’t really listen to what others say. Sure, he hears his older siblings tell him that he’s too little or not strong enough, all the time. Heck, in my concern for his safety, he even hears it from me too sometimes! But he doesn’t listen to it. He doesn’t let it seep in. It’s like water on the roof of a car. Those comments form like little droplets that simply roll off and away.
Eventually they’ll begin to sink in, but for now, they’re nothing to him. He is unshakeable. He has the power of unseen faith on his side. The enemy cannot yet harm him, because his resolve is tough and his innocence is still intact.
Now look, I know. Life may have handed you its share of trouble.
The enemy may be trying to shake you down right now…break you to your core…rip the floors right out from under you. But God.
Temptation may be calling, illness may be plaguing your body, friends may turn on you. But God.
When we rest in unseen faith, when we believe in the Lord our God with our entire being, that is when we become immune to the ways of the enemy. We must daily put on the full Armor of God because that is what will protect us from anything thrown our way.
Friend, please know that our God is greater than anything the enemy might bring against us.
We too can be bold, like my son. Untouchable.
We too can live with childlike innocence, like my son. Favored.
We too can do all the things, all the time, just like my son. Equipped.
When we surrender to the Lord and lean in with unseen faith, we too can conquer any Blessing Blocker that may come to stop us on our path to purpose. That’s the big lesson my little son taught me. It’s funny how some of the best things come to us in the smallest of packages, isn’t it?
Reference Scriptures: Hebrews 13:21, Ephesians 6:10-18
— GML —
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