The Lollipop Kids Take Over!

Children obey your parents…it’s pleasing to the Lord. How about it’s also pleasing to your parents?!?

As a mom of three children ages five, three and two, I only wish that the paraphrased piece of scripture I opened with, Colossians 3:20, was a bit more understandable to my kiddos. On more than one occasion (typically at many points throughout the day) my kids seem to forget that they’re supposed to listen to me and follow directions.

Sure, they know the rules. They have a general idea of what they’re supposed to do and not supposed to do. But, kids being kids, they often, frequently, repeatedly test the waters and decide to see for themselves what going against the grain will get them (what it gets them is fodder for a whole ‘nother blog post…stay tuned!).

Time and again I find myself guilty of allowing these little people to dictate my life. Yes, I believe wholeheartedly that my life’s purpose is to serve them and cater to their needs and I am here to support and encourage them no matter what. If that provision means missing a mom-date with a friend or going a couple weeks (read: months) without a salon pedicure (hey, it’s winter, I’m wearing closed-toe shoes, get over it) so be it.

Sometimes however, I allow them to keep me from taking the essential steps toward living out my passion. I allow, ‘my whys’ to become my ‘why nots’. I tell myself I can’t do certain things because the kids will be tired, or because it will throw off our schedule or because they simply may not behave. I am a grown woman living at the will of people the size of Oz’s Lollipop Kids.

The Lollipop Kids and I at Chicago’s Lincoln Park Zoo.

I enjoy talking to and meeting new people and both my business and my passion project thrive on it. Unfortunately it is not uncommon for me to make a detailed plan to go to a local store, park or community event specifically to meet new people, only to opt out at the last minute for fear of a temper tantrum, rampant running or an incurable case of the sleepies.

I am determined however to stop using my kids as an excuse. The only way I know I will be truly happy is by learning a healthy balance. Finding a happy medium between feeding my kids’ needs and fueling my own personal desires is paramount. I believe I can do both. I believe any woman can do both…and she should!

We get to be mother, wife, sister, daughter, entrepreneur, womanist, artist and more! We get to use our kids to help us build our dreams while we help them dream theirs. We get to engage them in our work which makes our effort that much more meaningful. We get to teach them as we learn. They get to enlighten us about ourselves and we will grow that much stronger from it.

We moms get to live faithfully, intentionally and tenaciously. We are women born from the ashes and our children fuel our fires. To all the working moms, mommy CEOs and slay-at-home-moms out there, let’s bring our ‘whys’ along for the journey. I’m excited to forge ahead and try and I am confident my littles and I will be all the better for it!