Three must-do’s for when the balls you’re juggling start to fall

If you’re a mom like me, you’ve probably got a lot going on and the balls you’re juggling can sometimes get out of sync. You’re likely wearing many hats… Mom Chef Maid Chauffeur Referee Emergency Medical Technician Partner Shall I continue? I’ll take a guess that many of those labels are ones you wear proudly.… Read More Three must-do’s for when the balls you’re juggling start to fall

Whatever you say you are, you are!

Exhaustion, Overwhelm, and Busyness is the tune that many of us mommas sing on the daily. We are often juggling many balls, have lots of different responsibilities, and are tasked with being everything to everyone. And we all have our breaking point. The other day, I reached mine. After dealing with waylaid plans, an unexpected… Read More Whatever you say you are, you are!

Sisters Who Slay: Aerica Parson of Brown Kids Travel 2

Do you travel with your kids? Do you dream of a life abroad, just you and your littles? Meet Aerica Parson, a mom of two great kiddos who has made a new way and life for her beautiful family in the United Arab Emirates. A far cry from her Chicago roots, Aerica and Team Parson… Read More Sisters Who Slay: Aerica Parson of Brown Kids Travel 2

How to Bond as a Family, Even When You’re Short on Time

  It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times Day six of Mazatlan Carnaval 2017 wrapped up Tuesday and I can now breathe a small sigh of relief. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good party. One good party. But six days? Methinks I’m getting a little too old for… Read More How to Bond as a Family, Even When You’re Short on Time