15 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Moving Abroad

Ask and You Shall Receive

Before we made our transition from the Midwestern United States to Mazatlán, Sinaloa, Mexico, I had A LOT of questions. By nature, I worry about everything. Thus, before moving abroad, I felt the need to have every ‘i’ dotted and every ‘t’ crossed. This can be a good thing and a bad thing. Asking questions will definitely help you make the most informed decision. It can also, however, hold you back from experiencing something amazing.

Don’t let it hold you back.

Just don’t.

From 3,600 sq ft to this mountain of luggage…we’ve come a long way baby!

For us, deciding on Mazatlán was a no-brainer. It was a place we had visited numerous times before (something I advise everyone to do before selling everything and moving) and a place I had actually once lived for three months. We chose a country where I had a working knowledge of the language. We selected a city with a good mix of locals and expats. Lastly, we were blessed enough to have family and friends who already lived in the area.

Perhaps you’re like us and lucky to have some first-hand knowledge of the area you’re going. Or maybe, this is completely uncharted territory! Either way, going into your move should be done as strategically as possible. The interwebs provide a plethora of research options. From Google searches, to tourist websites, independently run relocation services, Facebook groups, and more, the world is at your fingertips! Most of your questions can be answered in your pj’s with a nice glass of your favorite wine by your side.

15 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Moving Abroad

In the quest to find answers, you will learn so much about what your new life might be like. That’s great! You should always have a picture of what you’ll be getting yourself into. Doing preliminary research before making your final decision will help to prepare you for a smooth transition in a new land.

For those of you considering a move abroad, here is a list of questions to ask yourself as you narrow down your destination country and city.

1. Where do I want to go?

2. Is my immediate family (ie: partner, kids) sold on the idea?

3. Will I (can I) apply for a residency visa?

4. What will I do for income?

5. Can I acquire housing before moving?

We took a reconnaissance trip three months before moving and acquired our rental home.

6. What is the average monthly rental/purchase price for the size unit I desire?

7. Am I okay with standing out in a crowd (looking different from the general population)?

8. What will my monthly expenses be (ie: utilities, groceries, internet, transportation)?

9. Is there an acceptable school/education option available for my kids?

My kiddos are enrolled in a full-time private Mexican school and they love it!

10. What will I do with all my stuff?

11. What is the general safety level of the neighborhood I wish to move into?

12. Will I be able to access my U.S. bank account or obtain a new one?

13. How will I keep in touch with friends and family ‘back home’?

14. Am I ready to make the leap into an amazing, new, life by design?

Learning Through Experience

Before we moved abroad, I asked and answered these questions. I felt prepared. I was all in. Our family was ready. These questions were a great start and experience has taught me even more. I’ve learned the ins and outs of living in Mazatlán the only way you really can: by living in Mazatlán. And I am still learning!

Our first few weeks living here were quite a challenge. I considered bailing about six times during the first three weeks! Four nights out of seven, I found myself in tears, thinking that perhaps we had made a huge mistake.

Hard to believe I once thought that moving here was a mistake, isn’t it?

I had to learn patience.

I had to learn flexibility.

I had to adjust to cultural differences.

I had to improve my communication skills.

As a result, I have grown in ways I didn’t know that I could. Through this experience, I have acquired more than a tropical paradise. I have gained a new outlook on my life, my faith, and my relationships. I asked the questions, I got the answers, I designed my life, and here I am!

I am living a life by design: faithfully, intentionally, and tenaciously. Indeed, it is the surest way to feel free!

You’re ready to move abroad. Our ebook, Freedom to Fly: What it Takes to Live a Location Independent Lifestyle, is available now!

This 52-page ebook will answer all your moving and living abroad questions, and some you haven’t even asked yet! Also included is our Essential Guide to Moving Abroad (a 4-month moving checklist), 40 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Moving Abroad, and our Moving to Mexico FAQ.

Purchase Freedom to Fly: What it Takes to Live a Location Independent Lifestyle, today!