We Got New Friends!

No New Friends

As of late, it seems all of my female friends and acquaintances are pregnant. I could easily list over ten women who are currently expecting a bundle of joy in the next eight to nine months! As our youngest is getting to the age where he he insists he no longer needs quite as much baby-ing, I’ve been feeling a teensy bit of baby fever. Then someone has a potty accident and I am snapped back to reality!

Three’s company…four’s a crowd!

Despite the small desire for a new little bundle of our own and my husband’s desire to make an entire football team of Lindsay children, I am committed to my policy of no new friends (#nonewfriends). I am very happy with the three blessings we have. God has given us more than what we need and for that I am grateful. Best to leave well enough alone.

My baby-making days are ovah! Can I get an amen?!?!

Tiangues Sells Everythaaang!

We haven’t taken a trip to the Sunday flea market (Tiangues) in Colonia Juarez for a few weeks. Mainly because my father has started getting up and going earlier and earlier. He is ready and in the car no later than 4am so he arrives by about 4:20am. He’s convinced the early bird catches the worm. He is so early in fact, when he arrives it is dark outside and many of the vendors are still setting up by flashlight!

Over a mile of vendors line the streets up and down this neighborhood. Everyone and their momma gets in on the action, either buying or selling, bartering or simply people watching. The Tiangues sells everything. And by everything, I literally mean, EVERYTHING.

Ready for the beach after a successful day at the Tiangues.

Need new socks? Go to the Tiangues.  Want a pineapple? Tiangues.  Looking for a wheelbarrow? Tiangues has got you covered!

The Tiangues even sells dogs. Yes, dogs.

And now, thanks to my big-hearted, easily distracted husband, we are the proud parents to two, 8-week old Chihuahua puppies. We got new friends! We are a family of seven now. OMG!

Meet Diego y Dora

We have a little boy and a little girl puppy. I started to name them Frida and Diego. However, after realizing these were a brother and a sister, not tumultuous lovers, we settled on the more kid-friendly brother/sister duo names of Dora the Explorer fame. We are happy to welcome our new cachorros Diego y Dora to our little familia!

Meet Dora y Diego!

So far, they’re very sweet, pretty quiet and have been asleep most of the time. However, we’ve known one another for less than 24-hours and they’re still very young so I’m sure this will change. Google tells me that Chihuahuas are very energetic, like to yap, and need to be walked numerous times in the day. They’re also very intelligent, take to training well, love playing with kids, and are one of the top ten guard dogs. So, yay for all that I guess!

On our agenda this week, we are excited to visit the vet, have them checked out and set up to be healthy, happy doggies. This should be a whole ‘nother adventure in and of itself!

Dora is the only one Vizuri will play with. She’s still a little scared of dogs!

I have never owned a dog before, so beyond what Google tells me, I know nothing about parenting them. Unlike my own human children, I haven’t had nine months to prepare for their arrival, so, there’s much to learn in very little time. So grateful for the interwebs!

Do you have any doggie tips? Please, pretty please leave me some advice below in the comments!

4 thoughts on “We Got New Friends!

  1. Gaby! You need to meet Dr. Cesar Duarte, the mobile vet: 669-108-1187. He speaks English, will come to your house, and is a sweetheart of a vet who sincerely loves animals. And – so affordable! The last time he came when I had a sick cat, it cost me $150 pesos for the house call, exam & four days worth of injections (he has a tacklebox of meds). If it’s something that needs surgery, he will recommend another vet. You’ll love him! Congrats on the additions to your family!, good luck!

    1. Thanks Janet! We will be calling him for our next appointment. Vernon and I were hopeful to purchase some supplies as well so we sought out a vet in an office setting. Needless to say, it’s not like the states where there’s a ton of products and upsell (I think I was expecting a petsmart type set-up, silly I know). So, next time, for ease, Dr. Cesar it is! Thanks!

  2. I agree about Cesar.
    For what you need right now for the babies Cesar is a great choice. I would also agree with many of the posters on Facebook that dr. Marco is the best vet in Mazatlan. However, dr. Marco is quite expensive. For an illness or severe injury I would never go to anyone other than dr. Marco as he has all the testing equipment in his hospital and is, as we said an excellent veterinarian. But for this kind of routine check on the puppies and to get baby shots Cesar is your man

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