What to a Writer is Writer’s Block?

Drawing a Blank

I am absolutely stumped.

I have been sitting at this computer for what seems like hours, starting draft, after draft, after draft, waiting for inspiration.

It’s late. I’m tired and I think inspiration is not visiting me tonight.

Elizabeth Gilbert would advise that I go upstairs, shower, get dressed, perhaps dab on a bit of my Coco Chanel and a swipe of lipstick as a means to seduce creativity. Funny thing is though, I don’t actually own any lipstick! Perhaps chapstick would do?

These beautiful, inanimate cocos have more creativity than me right now…#sendhelp

I am not often faced with writer’s block. I am grateful that for the most part, words flow fairly easily from my brain to my fingertips. When the blank screen populates with curious little black characters that spell out a new blog post I get excited. It’s so invigorating and empowering!

Tonight however, it just ain’t happening.

Creativity and inspiration are eluding me tonight I think because they have something better in store. They know that today, I finally told my book that I was back.

Say What?

Today I told my book, “I’m back!”

In July 2016, my little labor of love hit the presses. Living F.I.T.: A 40-Day Guide to Living Faithfully, Intentionally, and Tenaciously was my maiden voyage into a large, personally meaningful, non-school required writing endeavor. I remember holding the first copy in my hands. It felt so wonderful!

Then self-doubt, fear of inadequacy, and lack of confidence quickly wormed their way in and the celebration was cut short.

Until today!

Living F.I.T.: A 40-Day Guide to Living Faithfully, Intentionally, and Tenaciously goes great with your morning coffee!

Today, I reclaim my voice and I proudly share with you the words that were given to me. Rather than sit in agonizing frustration over what to write next, I share with you a bit of my book. I firmly believe that is what inspiration and creativity want me to do.

Here is an excerpt from my book, one that speaks to me in this particular moment, that I am hopeful will speak to you as well.

You Matter

Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. Philippians 4:8

You matter and so do the choices you make. Every moment is an opportunity to move closer to God. Challenges will confront us and the enemy will try to distract and divert us. He may come in the form of a disappointment from a friend or the illness of a relative. He may strike you on your job or in your relationship. Shucks, he may even come on a cold morning in the form of the snooze button. But remember always, you have a choice!

You can choose to stand tall against those things preventing you from walking in your greatness. God has chosen for you to be great, powerful and steadfast. Now choose that for yourself! Caring others can hold you accountable and encourage you, but only you yourself can choose to allow God to do His work in your life. He will show you the path, but you must choose to put one foot in front of the other.

Examine some of the choices you’ve made over the past few days. Were they choices that align with God’s perfect will? Were they choices that brought you closer to God by serving Him? Today I encourage you to make choices that are pleasing to God. Choices that bring you closer to Him. Choices that renew your mind, body and spirit. Remember that your body is a vessel through which God shows His love and it is up to you to maintain it! Make healthy choices today that enable you to use the gifts you’ve been entrusted with in powerful and meaningful ways for many days to come.

You matter. You are important. You are an integral part of God’s plan and He is intentional. The choices you make today will influence the places and spaces you visit and those whom you encounter. God placed you on this earth to make it better, simply by being present! You are wanted, needed and loved.  God loves you with an undying affection that transcends this world. He is strengthened when the choices you make amplify and uplift Him and His word. Remember always that you matter to this world and you matter to God.

Most gracious God, thank you for caring for me. Today I place you at the center of my life. You are the captain of this ship and I am your trusting passenger. Please guide me on this path because what I do matters on earth and in eternity. In your holy name, Amen.

F.I.T. Step: Look in the mirror today and tell yourself, “I matter”. It is important that you understand how integral you are in the fabric of this world. Encourage someone by letting them know how much they matter to you and also to God.

Living F.I.T.: A 40-Day Guide to Living Faithfully, Intentionally, and Tenaciously by Gabriella M. Lindsay is available now on Amazon. You can purchase your copy today on Kindle or in Paperback by clicking the corresponding links above or by visiting this website

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