Summer Made Simple

Summer is quickly approacing and soon we will have an ahhhhmazing 8-weeks in paradise with the kiddos home with us all day long.

I repeat: ALL.DAY.LONG.


In all honesty though, I am looking forward to spending a good deal of time with them and catching up on some playtime, sunshine, and of course some supplemental English instruction as these last weeks have been a bit slacking.

Learning at Grandma’s in Los Angeles

One of my favorite ways to engage the kiddos is with hands-on activities and a great place to turn to for all that and more is Education.Com! I have been using their site since October 2016 and have been very happy with their services. Lessons are easy to do, well-structured and appropriately leveled for age, grade, skill-set and are standards-based…always a plus!

With a kindergarten graduate-to-be on our hands and two rambunctious boys, I am excited to give this Education.Com exclusive, summer-ready 1st grade science activity a whirl!

Homemade Ice Cream Maker

It can get pretty hot in the summer months… So hot you don’t even want to peel yourself off the couch to go to the ice cream shop! Well, now your problems are solved. This activity lets you create delicious ice cream in the comfort of your own home. Not only will it take care of your sweet tooth, but your child will have fun getting some science practice in as s/he watches a liquid change to a solid!

What You Need:

  • 1 extra-large empty coffee can with lid
  • 1 small empty coffee can with lid
  • Ingredients for one batch of homemade ice cream (see recipe here)
  • 1 large batch of ice, crushed if possible
  • Rock salt

What You Do:

  1. Start by adding the ingredients for the ice cream together. Let your child help you measure and mix! Let the mixture chill in the fridge before you set up the ice cream maker. Step one can be done a day or a couple of hours ahead of time to make sure the ice cream mix is thoroughly chilled.

  2. Help your child cover the bottom of the large coffee can with crushed ice and 1/4 cup of rock salt.

  3. Pour the chilled ice cream mixture into the small coffee can, but make sure it’s not filled to the top. Leave some extra room so it can roll around inside the can.

  4. Pop the lid back on the small coffee can, and put it inside the larger can on top of the ice.

  5. Pack the rest of the large coffee can with ice and another 3/4 cup rock salt, all around the small can and put the lid on that.

  6. Now the fun part: sit on the floor at one end of the room and have your child sit at the other. Roll the coffee can back and forth until the liquid ice cream has frozen. Don’t be afraid to throw it, shake it, or be rough–as long as the can is constantly moving and not leaking!

  7. No, wait, NOW the fun part! Dig in and enjoy your tasty summer treat!

Tools of the Trade

Looks easy and fun doesn’t it?!? I look forward to trying it this summer too with the Terror Squad!

If you’re looking for some awesome summertime educational goodness, check out Education.Com for excellent ideas and activities. And hey, if you try any and love them, let me know in the comments so we can try it too!