Every day after school my kids hound my husband and me about going to the playground. Even when it’s raining! Because we often say yes, they now assume that we will make time to take them. It’s become such an ingrained routine that we now mentally prepare ourselves in advance. Shoot, sometimes we even strategize about it before the time comes!
How long will we stay?
If we skip, what’s our reason?
What will we do instead?
Who’s gonna cry first if we say no?
I’m not really sure what they find so enjoyable about the playground? From my adult perspective, it is the same every single time. A slide, some monkey bars, a jungle gym to climb and a field to kick around a ball. Sure, I know, kids love to play and even though it’s the same equipment day after day after day, each time they visit, it’s as if it’s brand-new to them.
Some days they’re playing on a rocket ship. Other days, they’re pirates. Sometimes they’re knights and a princess. Oh, and on blessed occasion, there is another kid or two for them to play with!
They find joy in the little things and this daily playground trip has become something that they look for, long for, pursue, and enjoy wholeheartedly.
It got me thinking though, what do we as adults look for, long for, pursue, and enjoy wholeheartedly?
What are the things we find ourselves doing each and every day and to what lengths do we go to do them?
Some of us smoke. We go out of our way, in a storm, to the store to buy cigarettes only to stand outside our job in the cold, getting our fix of nicotine.
Some of us pursue toxic relationships. We go above and beyond to please people who are unwilling to support our dreams and continually let us down just to get our fix of companionship.
Some of us collect accolades. We are committed to showing up and showing out, to being ‘the best’ time and again, in order to get our fix of compliments.
We make ‘things’ our idols and we begin worshipping ‘stuff’. These achievements, these momentary adrenaline rushes, these ‘fixes’, are placed on a pedestal to which we are perpetually climbing to reach.
What if we quit, though?
What if we just stopped reaching for things that bring only temporary fulfillment and instead actively pursued a relationship with God? What would happen if we found something new, something fun, something exciting each and every day in our walk with God? You know, like the way my kids do at the playground?
What if we set aside time each and every single day to ‘play’ with God?
I know, play, isn’t really the word many would associate with God. But hey, if he’s our father, then wouldn’t that simply be par for the course? I mean, my husband often plays with our kids, maybe God is waiting for us to ask him to play too?
In all of that, I want to encourage you to do a couple things…a couple of things that will bring joy to your days, ease to your struggles, and true freedom to your life.
- Pursue spending time with God the way my kids pursue going to the playground.
- Play with God a little more, get to know Him as the loving and caring father He is.
- Thank Him in advance for the trip. Like my kids, assume He’s taking you somewhere good (because indeed He is!).
My kids make time to play every single day. Whether at the playground, in the field behind our house, or by jumping on the beds, rain or shine, my kids pursue play relentlessly. I want to have that same drive, commitment and focus on pursuing knowing our Father better each and every day.
I will pursue him, I will play with him and I will thank him in advance. It is my prayer that you will too!
Reference Scriptures: Luke 1:37
— GML —
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