On Your Own Terms

“Clearly, anyone can write a book nowadays,” she said snidely out of the corner of her mouth.

Trying not to show my own feelings of shame, hurt and disappointment, I took those words to heart and thought, maybe indeed, I wasn’t qualified to have written a book. Maybe I was out of my league. I mean, who am I to write, publish and distribute a book? I’m not JK Rowling or Elizabeth Gilbert or even the wife of a celebrity like Ayesha Curry!20160727_161843

It took a moment for me to recover from the mini-blow (one that admittedly, may not have even been intended for me directly, but that I instead internalized unnecessarily). It took me a moment to remind myself that what I wrote was important and was needed by someone, somewhere. I told myself that what Lisa Nichols said was true. She said, and I loosely paraphrase, even if you feel only 52% ready, what you have to say is 112% what someone else needs to hear.

“So, yes Gabriella,” I said to myself, “What you wrote is important. It is important to someone, somewhere.”

And isn’t that the point of life? To be of service and in service? The things that we do should not only be for our own self-fulfillment, but rather to bring benefit to others and to perform the work that we are purposed to do. So, with that, I straightened my shoulders, brushed off my ego bruise and moved on.

To date, I am nearly sold-out of my first run of books! *buy your copy here*

I made a decision in that moment to turn those words around from a negative to a positive.  How? By saying excitedly, “Clearly, anyone can write a book nowadays!”. Even me. Even you. Especially you! Whatever it is you are impassioned to do, why not do it? Why not make the powerful decision to live and create on your own terms?

The things you write, build, develop or discuss are important and necessary. If God has placed upon your heart to do something, listen, do it and forget about the naysayers. I have lived much of my life worrying about how I appear to others.

Am I good enough, am I smart enough, am I pretty enough, am I slim enough, will I be liked?

I have stopped myself before really, truly starting simply because I compared myself to someone else and picked apart my own shortcomings. I have held back from self-expression for fear of judgement and condemnation. Have you? Do you?hot-air-balloon-real-image

Friend, please understand that you have a greatness deep within you that must not be suppressed by fear of rejection or criticism. God has created you intentionally. He has a purpose for your life and He is excited to see you live up to your potential. Use your fear to stoke your fire. Let the words and attitudes of others be the hot air to the balloon that propels you into the stratosphere!

You are more than your doubts. You are more than that little voice inside your head that tries to quash your dreams. You already possess the greatness that you seek. You hold the light that will guide your path and you have the power to overcome every obstacle in your way.

When doubt creeps in, how do you typically respond? What strategies do you use to help build your self-confidence? Let’s start a dialogue in the comments!