Times of Refreshing

This weekend I am calling it quits.

For twenty-seven glorious hours, I will not be responding to anyone calling me, ‘mom’. I will close the door to the bathroom, watch grown-up TV, and perhaps even call my girlfriend who I haven’t chatted with, uninterrupted, for weeks now. who-needs-vacation


I will be attending my church’s annual retreat. This year’s theme is Times of Refreshing. And relax, relate, release, refresh is precisely what I intend to do! I will also have the honor of working closely with my sisters in the Women’s Ministry, leading an early morning Faithfully Flexible class and will be signing copies of my recently published first book.

In honor of alladat, I thought I would share a little snippet of one of the devotional entries from Living F.I.T.: A 40-Day Guide to Living Faithfully, Intentionally and Tenaciouslyjust in case you were oh so curious about what you might find inside.

Refill Your Cup and It Will Overflow

Therefore their people turn to them and drink up waters in abundance. Psalm 73:10

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Matthew 6:33

“The best part of waking up…” You may recall that little ditty from the famous coffee commercials. They always depicted a healthy looking man or woman quietly waking up to the heaven-sent aromas of delicious, energizing, hot coffee. The actor poured the liquid gold into an awaiting cup, inhaled deeply and took that first tantalizing sip. Ahhhh. If you recall, they never poured just a sip, it was always a full, rich cup. That full cup signified the perfect beginning to a beautiful day ahead. a-cup-of-coffee

The cup full of coffee is a metaphor. It reminds us that in order to be successful at serving others, we must take time to fill our emotional, physical and spiritual cup before we can pour into others’. From the moment we awaken, we are pulled in numerous directions. Whether it’s to get to a job, get kids off to school, help an elderly relative or protest the latest social injustice, there are people and places depending upon us to show up and complete a task effectively. It is so easy to get caught up in the busy routine of life that we forget about ourselves. Oftentimes, it is only after we experience a personal health crisis or a set-back, do we realize that maybe we need to take pause to fill our own cup.

Have you filled your cup lately? Intentional prayer, healthy eating and moderate exercise are three amazing ways to refill. You can take time to live in God’s presence; He will fill you more abundantly than you can imagine! You can enjoy meaningful conversation while preparing a healthy meal with a loved one. You can venture out into to nature for a gratitude hike or take a group exercise class to meet some likeminded fitness enthusiasts. Whatever you choose, be sure you are filling your cup on a regular basis. God wants you to be whole and healthy. You are charged with caring for His vessel while here on earth, so treat it like fine china and be sure to keep yourself fed spiritually, nutritionally and physically by intentionally and regularly refilling your cup and it too shall overflow.

Creator in heaven, thank you for continued grace and mercy. I pray that you will continue to fill me with your anointed blessings. I pray to be filled with you God. In your holy name, Amen.

F.I.T. Step: Take some time for yourself today. Eat your lunch under a quiet tree or spend the afternoon at a nail salon or even read a book under the covers before bedtime. Whatever you choose, be sure to choose something that brings you joy, peace and fulfillment.


So, there you have it. A small sample of what’s inside Living F.I.T.: A 40-Day Guide to Living Faithfully, Intentionally and Tenaciously. If you haven’t gotten your copy, there’s still time to get it here! I will also be leading a small group of women who are excited to begin their own Living F.I.T. journey starting on September 7th. Together we will go through the book and participants will also receive additional advice, support and coaching from me.

Be sure to subscribe to this blog and to my Facebook page so that you do not miss the updates and registration for the upcoming Living F.I.T. group journey.

I pray you have an enjoyable weekend. I know I will! Momcation Mode: ACTIVATED