Lessons from a Major Life Transition

If this hasn’t been the busiest season ever! From zero to 180 in less than two weeks!

I’ve been quiet on the blog, but for good reason, I promise.

Here’s my timeline as of late:

  • On July 5th, Vernon received an offer for a professor position in a brand new country.
  • By July 14th we were packed up (sold, trashed, donated, and packed) and out of our rental home on a flight to Los Angeles, CA, US.
  • We spent seven days with family and friends, including (for me) a one-day jaunt to Illinois to take care of some paperwork and renew my license and a two-day jaunt (for he) to Berkeley, CA to meet with some business associates.
  • On July 22nd we were in the air to Antigua in the Caribbean and…
  • Today, July 26th, we are in our second of two temporary housing arrangements, have signed a lease on our new apartment, and Vernon is already on day two of work.

To say it’s been A LOT is an understatement.

But you know what? It’s been incredible. It’s been one of those ridiculously insane things you think you can’t do, but, in reality, you most certainly can! I mean, when is the last time you moved out of your home and to another country in less than 10 days?

Shoot, if we can do that, we can do anything! This experience has been totally empowering.

All that being said, it hasn’t been without a little struggle. Certainly, wrangling three rambunctious kids, packing an entire house, managing a business, dealing with jet lag and plenty of unforeseen circumstances, is not a walk in the park. It hasn’t however, got the best of me.

Why not? Simple.

Because I haven’t let it.

I’ve made the conscious decision to make this transition as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

Much of what we deal with in life has more to do with our mindset, than the actual thing itself. When we make the conscious decision to make the best of our circumstances, we are able to better navigate them.

You are one decision away from a better lived-experience.

If I can impart one piece of advice when it comes to navigating a major life transition, it’s this: decide at the beginning what you want to learn from your transition, and seek to find the answers along the way.

If you treat the entire experience as a learning opportunity, you will find yourself so busy reveling in the lessons that you will have very little time to feel overwhelmed, disappointed, or scared. Decide now that this season will be life-affirming and enjoyable. As a result, your lived-experience will be just that much better than if you choose to harbor on the negatives that will arise.

This is exactly what I am doing. All the while living out of suitcases and sharing a bed with my husband and three children. I am loving on my kids and creatively building a meaningful routine with some semblance of our new-normalcy. It’s a learning experience, a growth opportunity and I am taking full advantage.

I’m also drinking copious amounts of coffee!


Are you going through a life transition? Are you ready to find your best normal?

If so, I invite you to join an exclusive group of powerhouse women and build on the many successes you’re already seeing in your current lifestyle without sacrificing who you are as an individual.

Join the waitlist for my brand-new course, Sustained Success BETA, and be the first to experience what will be a turning point in your life. Real, applicable, actionable tools you need to start living the life you deserve, today!

Click THIS LINK to learn more about Sustained Success BETA opening Fall 2018.