Whatever you say you are, you are!

Exhaustion, Overwhelm, and Busyness is the tune that many of us mommas sing on the daily. We are often juggling many balls, have lots of different responsibilities, and are tasked with being everything to everyone. And we all have our breaking point.

The other day, I reached mine.

After dealing with waylaid plans, an unexpected change in schedule, and a man who treated my family unfairly, I was up to my ears in frustration and anger. The anger seeped into my day and permeated the otherwise fun time I should have been having.

It wasn’t until later in the day, when I had a moment to sit down and analyze what exactly had happened, that I realized that it wasn’t the things that were making me angry and upset. Not at all. It was ME who was making me angry and upset. Because I said I was angry, I, therefore, was angry.

I was allowing myself to get the best of myself. I was allowing negative self-talk to creep in and take hold.

And trust me, those voices, those emotions, they creep quickly and unexpectedly!

Once I realized exactly what was going on, I made the decision to flip the switch. I decided I had to change the narrative, change the story that I was telling myself, in order to remedy myself of my funky mood.

I am the only one who can control my emotions.

By reframing the way in which I was looking at my day, I was able to go from angry and frustrated to grateful. Every small frustration led to where I was in that particular moment: whole, healthy, and blessed.

When you hear yourself say, ‘I’m too busy’ consider shifting that to being ‘I’m in high demand’.

When you find yourself saying you’re ‘overwhelmed’ flip it and say, ‘I am sufficiently challenged,’ (I mean, who doesn’t love a good challenge, right?).

If you’re feeling ‘tired’ (aside from taking a good ol’ fashioned afternoon nap) consider yourself, ‘actively engaged’ and see if that doesn’t turn your yawn into a smile.

Take a few extra moments to do a temperature check:

  • How am I feeling
  • Why am I feeling this way
  • How can I change it

This process can make all the difference in the world.

I did my own temperature check and indeed, after flipping my anger into gratitude I was able to go on with the remainder of the day enjoying my kiddos and the hubs.

Have you been feeling the mommy-load lately?

Reframing and shifting the narrative can make a world of difference in your day to day life. And the plus side? It only takes a few minutes…because I know you’re busy and like me, you need something easy, quick and painless to get back on track ASAP.

— gLm —

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