Three must-do’s for when the balls you’re juggling start to fall

If you’re a mom like me, you’ve probably got a lot going on and the balls you’re juggling can sometimes get out of sync. You’re likely wearing many hats…






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Shall I continue?

I’ll take a guess that many of those labels are ones you wear proudly. It feels good to do #allthethings and to be all the things to all the people, right? Like, a cape that you proudly wrap around your shoulders each morning to tell the world that you’re indeed WonderWoman.

But what happens when the balls suddenly drop?

Or when the cape has a rip?

Or that same cape will simply no longer wrap around the load you’re currently burdened with?

What happens when being all the things simply becomes #toomuch?


Grant Yourself Grace

I adhere to the mindset of Grace over Perfection. While I strive to do my best each and every day, I also acknowledge that I am not perfect, nor do I need to be perfect. I grant myself grace and understand that sometimes, things will be left unfinished. Laundry might pile up, emails may go unchecked, dinner might be cereal, and that’s okay.

Perfection puts an unnecessary burden on our already heavily weighted shoulders. Take a deep breath, look around at the things that can be put off until tomorrow, and grant yourself some grace to do just that.


Take Inventory

Most likely, you have a seemingly never-ending to-do list. Each time you check off one item, another three pop up, amirite? Take a moment to take inventory of what is on your list. I like to do this by evaluating each item on my list using a Red, Yellow, Green system that denotes things that must be done now, things that can be put off until later (or tomorrow) and items that are more long-term goals.

Let me give you a few examples.  Dinner, that’s on the must-do list (we hangry!). Laundry, now that’s typically something I can put off until tomorrow if today’s plate is too full. Cleaning the closet, well, that certainly can wait, right?

Using this inventory and rating system really helps reduce my overwhelm when surveying a mighty long list that only seems to grow by the minute.


Do the ONE thing

Despite granting myself grace, and even after inventory has been taken, sometimes, I still feel confused as to where to begin. Ever feel that way? What I’ve learned is that it really doesn’t matter what you do, rather, it matters that you do it.

Something. Anything.

Just do the one thing that will get you moving in the right direction.

Clear out a toy chest. Clean some potatoes and get them in the oven to bake for dinner. Sit down and write your grocery list. Throw a load of laundry in the washing machine. Just do the one thing that will get you moving forward and do it well. Then, move on to the next. And the next after that, and so on.

Focusing on one task, rather than all the tasks, will help you not only feel less overwhelmed but will also ensure that the task gets completed. I mean, how many times do you start something, see another task that needs your attention, go off to do that, and then never return to the first task? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? Just do the ONE thing, do it well, then move on.


Being a wife, a mom, and an entrepreneur is everything I dreamed of. It’s also a lot of things I didn’t necessarily realize before taking the leap. Finding easy solutions to the everyday problems I encounter in both life and business has made juggling momming and wifing and entrepreneuring much more manageable.

If you find yourself at the corner of overwhelmed and burned-out, remember to grant yourself the grace you deserve, take inventory of your situation, and move forward on one (and only one) task at a time. You will find yourself better able to manage all the things and will be more productive as you accomplish those everyday to-dos. Implementing simple, daily reminders can help you keep all the balls you’re juggling right in alignment so you too can avoid the fall…well, most of the time at any rate…because, well, #life.

Yet still, always remember mama, you’re not alone in this! I’ve got you!

— gLm —

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